Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Early pregnancy Essay

untimely(a) gestation period is considered socially problematic much(prenominal) as broken families, discrimination and virtually teenagers feel they all al integrity. In addition, raft believes that being pregnant in an previous(predicate) age are at the gritty risk for poor health outcomes during pregnancy such as checkups ,vitamins and regular turn and it is a closure of being a child mother because they are teen not to know what the right things to do. And even in the child birth she didnt know how to care with her baby because shes too young.And in the process of suppuration up of her child most of them does not able to teach a right(a) attitude to their child because even them their parents seaportt teach them well so the history repeat itself. But in the other way around close to child mother care, teach and fall through their all attention to their baby because they acquiret want that their baby would be same after them. What Age they considered as early pre gnancy? It is 15 long time old and below.Because it lose a highschool rate of infant mortality which is 13 per1000 live births, genuinely low birthweigth =24 and very preterm slant = 43. Compare to 16-19 years old infant mortality = 8, very low birthweight = 15 and very preterm delivery = 22. So this analysis signified that 15 years old and below considered early pregnancy. Background Why did I involve this topic? Is that I think that discussing this one is the best thing to do to adequate to(p) the mind of those teenager not to do premarital sex which will result a Early Pregnancy. some other reason is to explain what is the cause and prepare factors of early pregnancy. Some may forefathert really care intimately this topic, but for me this is important. Because our population is increasing eon our economic is decreasing and it was so alarming. another(prenominal) reason why should I have to discuss this is to enlighten the mind of those adult female to enjoy their teen years and as well as single life. Then to avoid her to pornographic responsibilities she cannot take. And to avoid destroying a lot of womanhoods future.

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